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monts-groulx, Canadá


Welcome to the paradise of nature. Its 10 million square kilometers (second country with the largest area of the globe) are filled with of forests that house endless rivers and lakes, glaciers and mountains, beaches... And tundra, past the Arctic Circle. The west is more mountainous, while the central and eastern zones are flatter. On the other hand, the more you travel north the more unexplored. And, of course, harsher weather conditions.


In all that vastness of wild lands there are also (some) human settlements. From quaint remote villages to emblematic cities (concentrated in the southernmost strip). Canadians are the other strong point of the country: charming, always willing to chat with and help foreigners. And crazy dog lovers

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El Pekín Express Canino. In March 2019, my dog Cocaí and I left Madrid with a backpack, a tent and an ambitious mission: hitchhiking to China. When we were in India, an unwanted guest came on the scene and turned the world upside down, including our trip. Three years later we returned home, taking with us a path full of learning, adventures, wonderful beings... and a new dog: Chai :-) More info about this book, actually a trilogy, here (only Spanish).

Queen Leona. An illustrated tale based on a true story of a dog that I met during the pandemic in India and with whom I formed a very special bond.  You can get it here (Spanish) and here (English).

South America & North America Travel Diaries. These two books speak, in the form of diaries, of my first years as a backpacker, including the encounter with Cocaí in Bolivia and all the adventures I lived with her. I place special emphasis on the connection with nature and the people that the journey gave us. Read more here (only Spanish).

And get news about travels, dogs... and traveling with dogs 😉

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