Hitchhiking in Armenia
I don't know if it was a coincidence or what, but during the month and a half that Cocaí and I were hitchhiking through the territory, it ju

Armenia itinerary
This small country today was once a great Kingdom and has a long long history. Among other things, it was the first people in the world...

Traveling with dog in Armenia
Traveling with Cocaí through Armenia was wonderful. We stayed for almost a month and a half, in the summer of 2019, and we were able to...

Georgia and Armenia: visa, security and other issues
Yes, Georgia and Armenia! Both are countries VERY open to tourism, without requiring visas for many nationalities. Most European and...

El Pekín Express Canino: a three-year trip through Asia made into a trilogy (PROLOGUE)
In March 2019, my dog Cocaí and I left Madrid with a backpack, a tent and an ambitious mission: hitchhiking to China. A trip that I had...