Nuska travel experiences: the small haired warrior
Anna and her dog Nuska had an incredible backpacking life around Europe and Latin America. Discover more here and travel like them with your

Traveling with my dog in Canada
Canada is the country where Cocaí and I spent more time traveling together. Dog and human being. A total of 9 months in which we alternated

Getting around cities with your dog
Cities are always a headache when it comes to get around with your dog (the park below your house does not count). It is sad, but society is

Traveling with my dog in USA (west)
The United States is one of the countries I have traveled more with Cocaí and, therefore, I have more information and tips about what it mea

Traveling with my dog in Mexico
Mexico, along with the United States and Canada, is the country I have spent more time with Cocaí and, therefore, the one I know the most ab

Traveling with my dog in Ecuador
We started from La Balsa, on the border with Peru, heading north to Cuenca. From Cuenca we went towards the coast, continuing in it until th

The strictest countries regarding rabies
There are certain countries that put so many obstacles to access them with your dog where, maybe, you should consider not going. Change them

Traveling with my dog in Chile
Traveling with a dog in Chile is quite complicated, compared to other South American countries. I only spent a few days (I was coming from P

Traveling with my dog in Peru
We started the journey on the Amazon border with Brazil and Colombia, crossing the jungle and mountains to the coast. Afterwards we went sou

Advantages and disadvantages of traveling with a dog
What a better way to encourage you to follow your dreams as a dog traveler than providing you with the wide range of benefits that this enta